The Hövding Airbag for Cyclists Is Eight Times Safer Than Traditional Bicycle Helmets

GIF: Hövding

Rated as being “the world’s safest head protection” for cyclists, the third iteration of Hövding is capable of registering a cyclist’s movement 200 times per second and in the case where an accident was to occur, an airbag will automatically inflate in roughly 0.1 seconds to protect the cyclist’s head.

Worn on the neck like a collar, the Hövding 3 is an alternative to conventional helmets.

According to test results from a study conducted by Dr. Kurt and colleagues, Hövding’s design reduces the risk of concussion by up to eight times and significantly reduces the risk of skull fracture.

Image: Hövding
Image: Hövding

The airbag is made from durable and soft nylon fabric. To inflate the airbag, a cold helium gas inflator is used. With a USB cable, the Hövding 3 can be charged approximately 2 hours for 15 hours of operational time. 

Image: Hövding

The Hövding 3 also includes a variety of smart features that are accessed with the Hövding app. A notable smart feature is the ability to notify pre-selected contacts in the event of an accident.

Image: Hövding
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