Sustain Natural Offers Eco Friendly Sexual Health and Wellness Products

Sustain Natural
Image: Sustain Natural

Most people, on more than a cursory level, have no idea what goes into their condoms, pads or soaps. While there has been an increasing push for transparency and natural ingredients in consumer products, there is still very little progress.

Sustain Natural is a leader in creating sexual health, menstrual and wellness products that are eco friendly, transparent and body-friendly. Not only do they disclose everything that goes into their products, but they also provide information about what is usually in the drugstore equivalents of their products, and how they can be harmful to the human body. 

Sustain Natural
Image: Sustain Natural

Sustain Natural’s lubricant is 96% organic, the only non-organic ingredients being food-safe preservatives. It contains no glycerin, methylparaben, propylparaben, polythene glycol or propylene glycol, which are present in most drugstore brands. In addition, the lubricant is made to match the natural pH of the vagina, making it a healthier option for women.  

Most condoms actually contain toxic chemicals. A common class of chemicals in condoms is nitrosamines. Almost all nitrosamines are considered carcinogens, and yet most accessible condom brands still use them. Sustain Natural’s condoms are free from nitrosamines, as well as other chemicals like parabens, which are used in spermicidal condoms.

Sustain Natural offers a wide range of menstrual products that cater to every type of woman. They carry pads, tampons and liners that are made from 100% organic cotton, with none of the rayon, chemicals, fragrances or additives that are common in popular brands. They chose organic cotton not only for its health benefits to consumers, but to ensure that cotton farmers are not exposed to toxic pesticides and chemicals that are common in cotton production.

Sustain Natural
Image: Sustain Natural

Sold in two sizes, Sustain Natural’s menstrual silicon insertable cups are a reusable alternative to disposable pads and tampons. Instead of absorbing blood like tampons, they collect it and therefore protect from vaginal dryness and irritation. While it can have a learning curve, the menstrual cup is environmentally friendly and can be used for longer than other period products. As a plus, they make reusable period underwear made with 100% organic cotton, which can hold the contents of about 1 tampon with no leaks. 

Sustain Natural’s body products are made with certified organic ingredients that are free from sulphates, parabens, glycerin, and fragrance. They sell a lip and body balm, massage oil, and a body wash. Both the balm and massage oil are 100% organic, while the body wash is 96% organic. They are free from petroleum, a common filler in different body products like soaps and lotions. 

Image: Sustain Natural

Sustain Natural has taken many steps to create change in the environmental impact of their products. For example, most drugstore brands of condoms are made from either latex or polyurethane. The rubber used to make latex condoms is mostly harvested from trees, making the process open to exploitation. Sustain Natural has committed to using fair trade certified rubber, and they are also certified by FSC, meaning that the forests involved are managed with “high environmental and social standards”.

Another example is the applicators on their tampons, which are made from almost all sugarcane-based bioplastic. Sugar cane also absorbs carbon while it grows, helping to increase Sustain Natural’s goal of carbon-negative products. 

Sustain Natural is a socially responsible brand. While already being committed to using fair trade ingredients, meaning those harvesting their materials are paid a fair wage and work reasonable hours, they have a number of other social enterprises at play. They donate 1 percent of their profits to women’s healthcare organizations, which goes into providing sexual and menstrual education across the US. They are also partnered with food banks and Planned Parenthood to donate condoms and menstrual products to those in need.

All of Sustain Natural’s products are available through Grove Collaborative.

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