The Practice of Reviving Garments With Horticulture

Reviving Garments With Horticulture
Image: Little Dear

Mother Earth is the forgoer to all of us humans. She is the breadwinner and forgives us for our solecism.

When it comes to learning how to nurture and breathe new life into our garments, her sources are a perfect way to remove imperfections all while making our repayment.

Stains, especially in the underarm area, can be tough to remove even with harsh synthetics. While you’re making your morning natural detox, apply lemon juice with a bit of water onto the stain and repeat until it’s completely removed. Lemons act as a bleaching agent without a mephitic smell such as the result of vinegar. Remember to not wash your garments in warm water if you’re fighting a protein-based stain, as this will allow the blemish to sit in. If a spillage occurs during the day, keep a few baby wipes handy as preparation for the eviction at home.

The best part about this conscious process is that you can transform it into a zero-waste friendly project. Many of us have old pieces of material becoming an invasive neighbour in our cabinetry. You can create mini satchels with your favourite dried herbs or flowers as a closet refresher. Essentially, if you’re working with fabrics that are biodegradable such as organic cotton or silk, you can later compost the fatigued textile.

In some cases, a little extra love is still not enough. Luckily, plants are so multifaceted that there isn’t a way they can’t assist you to go the extra mile. Hemp thread is considered to be the royal of absorbency and is UV resistant. It’s the best choice for hand sewing as the fibre is strong but still lightweight. In addition, hemp is able to mingle with other fibres, making it the perfect candidate for natural dyeing.

The major benefit besides escaping toxic compounds when using earthy colouring agents is the amount of water pollution you are saving from the result of not voting for manufactured dyes with your dollar. For example, untreated colourant waste is discarded into a natural body of water. This is not only an issue for the environment, but it’s costing the lives of marine organisms. On the other hand, you should still be aware of natural dyes such as logwood and bloodroot, which contain hematein and hematoxylin. These plants can be harmful when the oxidizer and chemical compound ventures into the body through inhalation, ingestion, or skin absorption.

Moving forward with your refreshed garment, it’s in your greatest interest to continue to stay on the same path. You can brew various laundry soaps that can replace borax, particularly baking soda, kosher salt, and a few drops of essential oils to go along with castile soap, washing soda, and your eco-footprint.

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