Peter Noever’s Obsessions In_Focus Exhibition Held at SCI-Arc Gallery

Image: Joshua White

Showcasing the works and manifestos of notable artists, designers and architects, Obsessions In_Focus is an exhibition created by Peter Noever and curated alongside co-principal of I/O Betty Kassis.

Held at the SCI-Arc Gallery in Los Angeles, California, USA, the exhibition features 3-channel video projections.

Image: Joshua White

Described by SCI-Arc Gallery as a “constantly evolving show”, the lineup comprised of Raimund Abraham, Vito Acconci, Günther Domenig, Zaha Hadid, Magdalena Jetelová, Eric Owen Moss, Walter Pichler, Wolf D. Prix, Bernard Rudofsky, James Turrell, Franz West, and Lebbeus Woods are individually highlighted for a day then alternated.

Image: Joshua White

There are a total of 13 short films produced specially for the exhibition that visitors will be able to watch.

Image: Joshua White

“‘The contemporary must be fought for!’ is not only a statement of belief, but also an expression of a present that was fought for and experienced,” said SCI-Arc Gallery. “It is a manifesto for a critical attitude toward contemporaneity in times of growing non-commitments.”

Image: Joshua White

Obsessions In_Focus is Noever’s attempt to put a clear emphasis on the essence of contemporary art and architecture,” explained SCI-Arc Gallery

Image: Joshua White

Obsessions in Focus is also an attempt to clarify the essence of contemporary art and architecture through a festival of contrasting positions in which each day one visionary artist or architect will be in focus,” added SCI-Arc Gallery

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