Les Girls Les Boys Donating 100% of Profits from #HappierTimes Collection to UK Youth Charity

Image: Les Girls Les Boys

Les Girls Les Boys, the ‘bed to street’ apparel brand founded by Serena Rees, has launched a t-shirt collection named #HappierTimes.

The slogan ‘Happier Times Are Coming’ was originally inspired by the brand’s creative consultant Seana Redmond, who created a window sign aiming to offer support and instil hope in her community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Paired with the iconic smiley face symbol, it’s difficult not to feel uplifted by the vivid colours and the reassuring promise. The message could not resonate more than it does right now.

Image: Les Girls Les Boys

Les Girls Les Boys positions itself as a progressive and inclusive brand that celebrates “cross cultural mind-sets and diverse identities”. Rees tells how she hopes to bring the core values: self-ownership, consciousness and empowerment.

Image: Oliver Hadlee Pearch

Undoubtedly the #HappierTimes campaign is an impressive materialisation of Rees’ promises, and now more than ever, there is a need to support and empower the UK’s disadvantaged youth. As such, 100 percent of the profits from the sale of the Happier Times Are Coming T-shirts are being donated to UK Youth, a charity that reaches 1.5 million young people aged nine to 25 and offers a range of development programmes, such as STEM, (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), as well as Enterprise (Finance, Management, Business, Employability and Entrepreneurship).

Image: Oliver Hadlee Pearch

“For millions of disadvantaged and vulnerable young people across the UK, COVID-19 has made life even harder,” said Les Girls Les Boys. “Young people are now at increased risk of being abused and exploited, suffering from loneliness, unable to be at their safe spaces, such as schools, and youth organisations are facing permanent closure.”

Image: Oliver Hadlee Pearch

To learn more about Les Girls Les Boys, visit their website.


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