Go Plastic-Free This July With Lush Cosmetics

Lush plastic-free
Image: Lush

Lush is celebrating Plastic Free July with a new line of plastic-free handmade cosmetics.

Plastic Free July began in 2011 as an initiative to reduce plastic use around the world. Every year, millions of people celebrate by vowing to use and purchase less plastic. In 2019, 250 million people participated, which resulted in an estimated 825 million kilograms of plastic saved.

Lush plastic-free
Image: Lush

In order to bring sustainability to your everyday routine, Lush has created a line of plastic-free soaps and skincare products. The cosmetic retailer makes plastic-free easy and enjoyable with shampoo bars and pressed conditioners that last up to 80 washes. Their soap bars and body scrubs leave your skin feeling soft without any plastic packaging involved. In terms of skincare, Lush offers naked facial cleansers and serums, as well as toner and steamer tabs. Lush’s skincare products cleanse your face and clear your complexion — minus the plastic waste.

Many of the products from the plastic-free lineup are vegan and made with mostly natural and ethically-sourced materials.

Image: Lush

One of the most popular from the plastic-free lineup is the Tea Tree Toner Tab, which is used by first soaking it in hot water before allowing the steam to wash over the skin. The product helps to clear acne and soothe any redness or irritation. 

To learn more, visit Lush’s website.


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