Cobe Reimagines the Gas Station for Electric Vehicles



Close your eyes and visualize your local gas station. What comes to mind? The unpleasant smell of fumes? A bleak, dirty, and uninspired environment that merely serves its singular purpose?

Reimagining the gas station is studio Cobe led by architect Dan Stubbergaard, who has designed a new model for an electric vehicle (EV) charging station that is said to be based on “a complete rethinking of the ‘mobility experience’ driving an EV.”


Cobe’s first pilot EV charging station located in the town of Fredericia was completed back in 2019. Since then, three more stations have been constructed in Denmark. 

Not only are the EV charging stations minimal and aesthetically pleasing, but it also enables people to truly relax and take a breath of fresh air.

Constructed with locally sourced FSC-certified or PEFC-certified wood, the EV charging stations are complemented with trees and shrubs. In addition, the station’s roof is layered with green that retains and leads water to natural seepage areas.

The EV charging stations were commissioned by E.ON Drive & Clever, a joint venture between Clever A/S and E.ON Drive GmbH that aims to build a charging network in the Scandinavian countries of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway.

“Electric vehicles are the way of the future. With our design we offer EV drivers a welcome break and an opportunity to recharge mentally in a green oasis,” says StubbergaardThe energy and the technology are green, so we wanted the architecture, the materials and the concept to reflect that. Hence, we designed a charging station in sustainable materials placed in a clean, calm setting with trees and plants that offer people a dose of mindfulness on the highway.”
All images in this artice are courtesy of Cobe.
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