biom’s Wipes Are Biodegradable and Sustainable



According to Envirotech, the majority of wet wipes found on store shelves contain microplastic fibres which are non-biodegradable. Despite this, people continue to use and flush wet wipes down the toilet, resulting in clogged sewers. Not only does this cause millions in damages, but it also has huge environmental costs, with wet wipe microplastics finding their way into oceans.

That’s why startup company biom is offering eco-friendly wet wipes that are plant-based and biodegradable. Made from 100% natural ingredients, biom’s wet wipes are completely free from plastic.


“When the pandemic hit, everyone was using wipes more frequently, and we got intrigued by the category,” says biom. “We started researching and learned that most cleaning wipes are made from polyester or polypropylene, and they come in these disposable plastic tubes that never biodegrade. All this contributes billions of pounds of plastic waste every year, and worse: a lot of it winds up in the ocean.”

“With respective backgrounds in environmental science and architectural design, and a shared desire to raise awareness and help reverse the ocean plastic crisis; we decided to do something about it. We pooled our efforts and biom was born.”

In regards to packaging, biom’s dispenser is aesthetically pleasing and features a magnetic closure with a silicone gasket for an airtight seal. Although made of stainless steel, customers will be able to reuse it by purchasing wet wipe refills.

That being said, biom is not perfect. Currently, biom is working to introduce dispensers made out of recycled ocean plastic. The startup is also testing a 100% recyclable material for its wipe refill packaging.

Notably, biom is partnered with Plastic Bank to achieve their yearly goal of halting 45.5 tons of plastic from entering the ocean by creating recycling programs that directly support underdeveloped communities.

To learn more about biom, visit their website.

All images in this article are courtesy of biom.

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