Bite Bits are All-Natural and Plastic-Free Packaging Alternatives for Toothpaste

Image: Bite

With the motto of “ending plastic waste, one healthy smile at a time”, Bite is creating 100% gluten-free, vegan, and naturally whitening toothpaste in the form of tablets called Bits.

Stating how there are 1 billion toothpaste tubes thrown out each year, Lindsay McCormick, the CEO and founder of Bite, says that she created Bits after learning of the toxic ingredients that comprise commercial toothpaste and the lack of sustainable toothpaste alternatives. 

“Everyday actions have the ability to shape the future of our planet, whether it’s mindlessly tossing out an empty toothpaste tube or glossing over the ingredient list small daily actions can have big consequences,” said Bite. “By uncovering how we can be better to ourselves AND the planet we are one step closer to a healthier and plastic-free world.”

“We believe the Earth is not ours to keep but to protect for future generations,” proclaimed Bite. “We believe that animals are not ours to test on or to use as ingredients. By using only recyclable, biodegradable or compostable materials, we are not only not adding to our already overflowing landfills and polluted oceans but we are replacing products that do.”

Image: Bite

With sustainability the utmost importance for Bite, the toothpaste Bits are packaged and sold in refillable and recyclable glass bottles. Shipping the products in recyclable envelopes made of newspaper and recyclable cardboard boxes with paper tape, customers are also able to sign up for a refill delivery subscription of Bits that are packaged in compostable, marine degradable biomaterials.

Citing a graph by The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bite states that when compared to traditional shopping in physical stores, e-commerce shopping and shipping achieves the lowest carbon footprint.

Image: Bite

With two flavours of mint and charcoal mint available, one glass bottle contains 64 toothpaste Bits at a cost of $12. By signing up for the four-month subscription, customers will receive 256 tablets. Costing $30, customers that sign up for the subscription will save $48 in total. 

“When’s the last time you read the label on your toothpaste? Cheap fillers, harsh chemicals, artificial dyes and flavors have no place in our daily routine. So we took out the bad and left only the good and then pressed it all into our small but mighty Bits because something you do twice a day, everyday should be good for you.”

To learn more about Bite, click the link below.

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