A Flying Experience Onboard Lift Aircraft’s Hexa Will Soon Become Reality

Image: Lift Aircraft

A Texas-based startup called Lift Aircraft has announced plans to offer customers a short flight on board their Hexa aircraft as early as 2019.

Reservations will cost between $150 and $200, and customers won’t need a pilot’s license to fly–just an orientation and a quick safety training course.

Powered by an array of 18 rotors (each powered by independent electric motors) to fly short distances ranging 10 to 15 minutes at a max speed of 72 km/h (45 mph), Hexa is controlled by a 3-axis joystick that is designed to be simple enough for anyone to pilot. In addition, customers will have the choice to enable autopilot.

In terms of safety, customers will be required to complete a safety orientation that will include watching a safety video and completing an hour-long VR training exercise. While out flying, customers will be monitored by two pilots on the ground, both of whom will have the ability to take remote control of the aircraft in the case of an emergency. Hexa also includes a parachute in the case of an engine failure and will feature five floats that double as landing gear, enabling it to land on water as well as land.

With plans of making Hexa flights available in 25 cities across the United States, Lift has already developed further plans for AR race courses and VR battles. The company foresees Hexa becoming a personal transportation option for everyday people, where according to Colin Guinn, the CEO of the drone company DJI: “Lift is using technologies that have matured in the drone industry to democratize human flight–a natural progression that will soon provide a clean, exciting and efficient alternative to sitting on congested roads burning fossil fuels.”

To learn more about Hexa, click the link below.


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