Zhanna Kadyrova’s Mosaic Clothing Made from Repurposed Tiles Reminisces on the Past


As part of an ongoing project titled Second Hand, artist Zhanna Kadyrova repurposes tiles to create mosaics in the shape of clothing.

“The concept of ‘second hand’, we are talking about buildings that have passed from one owner to another,” said Kadyrova. “Objects formally reminiscent of clothing are lined with original tiles from the walls of a building or enterprise. Tiled ornaments are transferred identically to their placement on the walls.”

Image: Zhanna Kadyrova

Kadyrova began the project in 2014 by creating pieces inspired by the coloured facades of shops, cafes, residential buildings and administrative institutions in Brazil. A year later, Kadyrova sourced tiles from a Soviet-era factory to reproduce “ornaments still preserved on the factory walls”.

Image: Zhanna Kadyrova

For her latest work, Kadyrova created a dress made from the ceramic tiles of an abandoned bus stop in the Chernobyl zone and created pieces with tiles sourced from the Film Processing Department of the Kiev Cinema Copy Factory.

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