Mango Debuts Post-Mastectomy Underwear and Swimwear Capsule


Mango breast mastectomy

Spanish fashion retailer Mango recently introduced a new collection of bras, underwear, and swimwear. But unlike your typical undergarment or swim collection, Mango’s newest line is intended specifically for women who have undergone a breast mastectomy.

This is the brand’s first-ever post-mastectomy collection and it came about in response to a challenge put forth by teta & teta to create a version of Lola, a single-cup bra.

Mango breast mastectomy

Mango’s post-mastectomy capsule collection comprises three bras, two swimsuits, and a bikini. Rather than simply mimicking the design of the Lola single-cup bra, Mango’s design team chose to create an adaptable bra, one that is suitable for women who have undergone a mastectomy, as well as those who have a breast implant or prosthesis. 

For Mango, the main aim of the collection was to cater to the needs of women who have undergone a breast mastectomy and who have decided not to get a breast implant or undergo breast reconstruction surgery. To make the undergarments inclusive to these women, as well as to women who have chosen to have breast reconstruction surgery, each piece is available in alternative formats.

All proceeds from the sale of Mango’s post-mastectomy collection will be donated to the teta & teta association, which works to promote female liberty through activism and creativity. One of the non-profit’s specific aims is to give a voice to women that have undergone mastectomies by normalizing such bodies. The Lola bra, along with Mango’s soon-to-be released post-mastectomy collection, both serve as examples for their mission. 

All items in the capsule collection were made locally in Spain and will be available worldwide via Mango’s website. Each bra and swimsuit is available in sizes S to XXXL.

All images in this article are courtesy of Mango.

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