Keep Track of the Entire Year With Curious Sound Objects’s Hyper Minimal Calendar

Curious Sound Objects Hyper Minimal Calendar
Image: Curious Sound Objects

Created by Curious Sound Objects led by Nickolas Peter Chelyapov, Hyper Minimal Calendar is exactly what its name implies. 

Presenting all of the dates in a year on a single poster, the calendar provides a great sense of time by enabling people to plan out their year and track the passage of time as they cross out past dates.

Curious Sound Objects Hyper Minimal Calendar
Image: Curious Sound Objects

“We live in confusing times, with everything coming at us lightning fast,” said Chelyapov. “I was looking for a calendar where I could see the entire year in advance and plan my professional work as a designer, my dad duties, and another rather large Kickstarter. And there wasn’t anything particularly attractive or usable.”

Image: Curious Sound Objects

“It’s useful to think of my time in terms of weeks, Saturdays and Sundays belong together, and I didn’t like how sometimes a new month would cut a week in half,” added Chelyapov. “And there are some designy calendars that look cool or interesting, but require too much brain power to decode.”

Image: Curious Sound Objects
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