Immerse Yourself in Karolina Halatek’s Halo Installation

Imaege: Feng Zheng

Created by Polish contemporary visual artist Karolina Halatek as part of ARIE A4 International Artists’ Residency Program, Halo is an art installation that is based off the “imaginary super-natural sensation of clarity, light and extended space”.

Currently exhibited at A4 Museum in Chengdu, China until September 30, 2019, the circular light installation invites individuals to interact and explore for a personal experience and to “discover a new dimension of own presence in the contemplative, pure and abstract environment”.

Imaege: Feng Zheng

The form and title of the installation references the circle of light around the sun and moon created by the refraction through ice crystals in the atmosphere.

“In the exhibition, the place of the celestial body is given to the art viewer, who becomes a central part of the piece,” explained Halatek.
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