ecoLogicStudio Envisions Park With Integrated Wildflower Gardens

ecoLogicStudio Italy Park
ecoLogicStudio Italy Park

ecoLogicStudio, known for integrating biotechnology into design, has announced a new project in Sirolo’s National Mount Conero protected area. This initiative will transform Parco della Repubblica into a symbiotic park that bridges nature, culture, and sustainability.

The founders of ecoLogicStudio Claudia Pasquero and Marco Poletto envision the park as a portal where humans and wildlife coexist harmoniously. Spanning 2 hectares, the park will feature six dimensions: Urban, Social, Playful, Cultural, Ecological, and Eco-touristic. It will include pedestrian paths, socio-cultural activity areas, and a circuit for walking, jogging, and cycling, centered around a biodiversity zone with wildflower gardens.

“Our design attempts to elevate the cultural relevance of the public park as a portal toward another dimension, one where humans and wildlife share a more hopeful future of symbiotic collaboration,” says ecoLogicStudio.

ecoLogicStudio Italy Park

All images in this article are courtesy of ecoLogicStudio.

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