Braille and Visible Letters Have Been Combined to Create a New Typeface

Image: Kosuke Takahashi

Japanese designer Kosuke Takahashi has combined braille with the English alphabet to create a new typeface called Braille Neue.

Braille is a writing system used by people who are blind and or visually impaired. Consisting of raised dots representing letters of the alphabet, braille is read by touch.

What makes Braille Neue different is that it is able to communicate with both the sighted and the blind. 

Able to overwrite the existing signage by adjusting the kerning, the typeface has been described as relatively easy to implement.

Image: Kosuke Takahashi

Takahashi hopes that by combining braille with visible letters, it will increase accessibility and inclusivity for the blind.

Braille Neue is available in two typesets. Braille Neue Standard is for the English alphabet and Braille Neue Outline is for a Japanese syllabary called katakana.

Image: Kosuke Takahashi

To learn more about Braille Neue, click the link below.

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